"ANSWERED! Your Most Burning Questions About Credit Repair So You Can Buy A House THIS Year!"
"Discover How This Single Parent With Awful Credit Used These 9 Super Simple Steps To Go From 473 to 700+ Credit Score and Get Approved For A Home and Much More..."
"Here's Great News If You Want To Get Approved For A Home Loan, Car Loan, High Limit Credit Cards And Credit Lines ... Fast!"

From The Desk of Byron Cox
Denver, CO
RE: Steps to Transform Negative Credit Into Great Credit And Get Approved Fast

Dear friend,

It's a FACT... most people fail to right the ship after a financial disaster.

Why?  Because once your credit is ruined, very few know what to do to fix it, besides just sitting there and waiting years.

Meanwhile, the denials and the credit restrictions continue.

Do you want to break the curse?

Have you been getting denied and been embarrassed again in front of the banker?

Do you need to transform your negative credit into great credit so you can get approved for that house, car, big loan or credit card so you can provide for your family?

Then this course if ESPECIALLY for you!

Hi, I'm Byron Cox, single father and founder of MyFiancesEDU.

We teach financial literacy strategies, such as recovering after financial disaster, improving credit, business ownership, and creating wealth for you and your family.

About 8 years ago, I was in a tough spot.  

I was coming off a divorce and a chapter 7 bankruptcy. 

I was traveling out of state weekly for work at the time, so I left that job so I could take care of my son, who was about 2 then.

I went from a nice house, to a small apartment, to a room in my parent's house.  Sharp decline indeed.

During that time, I found myself having was having a 473 FICO score. What's that?  

It was the best of the three primary credit scores we all have.  FICO scores are what banks, loan officers, credit card companies, etc. look at to say YAY or NAY to you application.  

FICO scores range from 300 to 850.  Clearly my score was in the awful range.

"High risk" the banks would say.

I couldn't get approved for anything. Couldn't even get an apartment, and my son and I had to move back in with my parents.

I never wanted to suffer from having negative credit EVER again...
So I studied, bought courses, and hired companies to guide me through the process of improving my credit once and for all!
What happened was shocking...

The steps I was taking were working.  

I started seeing negative credit report items being deleted from my credit file, and as a result, my credit score improved with every deletion.

Fast forward all the way to 700 plus credit scores.

I was able to BUY MY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, multiple cars, high limit credit cards. I remember when I first got approved for that discover card, $12,000 limit made me feel amazing.

I realized how many could benefit from taking the same steps as I did.

So I went through all my notes, letters, what worked and what didn't, and I wrote what's now know as...

"How To Take The Headache Out Of Removing Negative Items From Credit Report ... Now!"

"The 9 Super Simple Steps to Removing Negative Credit Report Items!"
Here's exactly what you get:

9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items Video Training and One-Page Action Plan- ($97 Value)

BONUS #1:  FICO Scores Decoded - What The Banks And Lenders Are Looking At And How You Can Play Their Game - ($197 Value) 

Bonus #2:  7 Credit Destroyers - ($97 Value) 

Bonus #3:  Picking Up The Pieces, Rebuilding Your Credit After Financial Disaster - Webinar Recording And PDF - ($997 Value)

Bonus #4:  9 Habits Of Financially Successful People Action Guide - ($47 Value)

Total Value: $1,435

But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of a small pizza, you can get access to a process that took me 8 years to perfect... 

YES BYRON! Give Me Instant Access To '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Video Training And Cheat Sheet RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
"Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Removing Negative Items From Credit Report and Getting A 700+ Credit Score So You Can Buy A House"
  • ​Helps You Improve Credit Scores Fast
  • ​Makes It Easy To Remove Negative Items That Are Holding Your Credit Score Down
  • ​Gives You The Keys To Get Approved For Anything You Want
  • ​The Real SECRET To Credit Scores, How They Work, And How To Work The System
  • ​How To Improve Your Scores So You Can Buy A House
  • ​​ Avoid Having To Take Years And Pay Over $5000 To Learn It The Hard Way
  • ​Quickly Remove Negative Items From Their Credit Reports
  • ​Answers the question "How Do I Improve My Credit And Increase My Credit Scores"
  • ​Discover How To Have Great Credit And Live A Life Of Financial Wealth
  • ​STOP Worrying About Credit Scores Once And For All
At this point you might be asking... "Who is Byron Cox and how can he help me with my credit scores?"
I'm The Guy Who Teaches Single Parents How To Conquer Their Credit So They Can Get Everything They Want!

I started about 8 years ago, exploring ways to fix my credit scores.

I was able to take my scores from a high of 473 to over 700.

I started helping other with the secrets I had to pay thousands for, and they got results just like I did! 

WARNING: I can't tell you that you'll get the exact same results... but I will reveal every secret that others (including me) had to thousands of dollars for.  I'll share it all.

As a single father, it's been my mission to help other single parents improve their credit, so they can get everything they want that takes great credit to qualify for!
What Others Are Saying About Byron Cox's Training...
"Want to Get Approved For A Home Loan, Car Loan, And High Limit Credit Cards And Credit Lines? Take a look at this... ... Now!"
"My Financial Future Will Be Brighter Than My Past" - Author Unknown

I think that sums it up...
Facts You Need To Know About Removing Negative Credit Report Items and Credit Repair...
FACT #1 - The most common credit score gain reported was 100 to 149 points.

FACT #2 - 15.4% of all respondents received more than 150 point credit score increase.

FACT #3 - 16% of people who hired a credit repair company said the spend was between $751 to $1,000

FACT #4 - 16% spend over $1,000 for all services received

Can you afford that?  Do you want to pay that?

I didn't have a choice, but you do.  I've giving you my knowledge so you don't have to.

Go ahead and get started RIGHT NOW!
When You Get Your Copy Of "9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items" Video Training and Onepager Cheat Sheet (For Just $7.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - "FICO Scores Decoded" Video Training
"The ONLY Tool You Need To Get Approved For Your Home, Car, And HUGE Credit Cards And Credit Lines..."
Total Value: $97
This one pager makes it simple to learn what the banks and lenders and looking at.

Get inside the mind of a lender so you know what they're looking for so you can get approved.
Get This For FREE When You Order '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Today! 
Bonus #2 - "7 Credit Destroyers" eBook and One-Pager Action Guide
"Save Money and Make Your Financial Life Easier By Avoiding These Seven Credit Destroyers..."
Total Value: $197
~explain this offer~
Get This For FREE When You Order '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Today! 
Bonus #3 - "Picking Up The Pieces... Rebuilding Your Credit After Financial Disaster" Webinar Recording
"Strategies that Will Get You Back On a Positive Financial Track and Help You Rebuild Your Credit Quickly"
Total Value: $997
On this webinar, I covered the steps I took to recover from bankruptcy and divorce.

I will help you understand what should be your critical focus to getting back on track after your financial disaster.
Get This For FREE When You Order '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Today! 
Bonus #4 - "9 Habits of Financially Successful People" Action Guide
"Apply These Habits of The Wealthy and Watch Your Wealth Grow"
Total Value: $47
Habits largely determine the quality of your life.

Those who enjoy financial success have habits that contribute greatly to that success.

Learn what they are and apply them to help your wealth grow!
Get This For FREE When You Order '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!
At this point you might be wondering "This is great, but what's the catch?"

NONE.  There's no catch!

I know how it feels to struggle as a single parent, desire to give my everything in the world, but being held back because of awful credit.

I also know that feeling of fixing that problem and having the things I want for my family.

I'm doing this because I want to help as many people as I can, who may not have a bunch of money, fix their problem for good!

All you need to do is register and you can get started right away (even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!).

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
Now, this training offer can't last forever... So don't wait! 

I have to increase the price soon. There's so-called credit experts or gurus charging $997 or more for training like this.  So grab it now before I increase the price dramatically!

And the great news is, you have no risk with me...
My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
If this doesn't help you get at least one negative items removed from your credit report, I'll refund your money and you can still keep access to everything and still get value from it in the future.  Just email copies of your credit bureau response letters showing no deletions to the support email you'll get with your receipt, and I will gladly give you a refund.
You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order "9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items" Video Training and Cheat Sheet.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES BYRON! Give Me Instant Access To The "9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items" Video Training, Cheat Sheet, And Bonus Training RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  "9 Super Simple Steps" Video Training and Onepager  (Value $97)
  Bonus #1: FICO Scores Decoded Training (Value $197)
  Bonus #2: "7 Credit Detroyers" eBook (Value $97)
  Bonus #3: Picking Up The Pieces Webinar (Value $997)
  Bonus #4: 9 Habits of Financially Successful People (Value $47)
Total Value: $1,435
Today Just $7

That's everything I have!  If you want to improve your credit without spending big money having a credit repair company do it for you, then this training will show you exactly how to do it... guaranteed!

I hope to see you on the other side!

Thanks again,
Byron Cox
P.S. Bottom line; if you want to buy a house, car, get high limit credit cards and credit lines, or get any loan... you need great credit!

This training is proven to help you do just that... no matter where you're starting from.

To make it even better, you can get it all PLUS some amazing bonuses for just $7.

Act now - results are guaranteed.
YES Byron! Give Me Instant Access To '9 Super Simple Steps To Removing Negative Credit Report Items' Video Training and Onepager Cheat Sheet RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00!
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything You're Going To Get
  • Instant Access To "9 Super Simple Steps..." (Value $97)
  • Full Access To "FICO Scores Decoded"      (Value $197)
  • Instant Access To "7 Credit Destroyers"  (Value $97)
  • ​Access To "Picking Up The Pieces"              (Value $997)
  • "9 Habits of Financially Successful People" (Value $47)
Total Value: $1,435
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $47: Want all the letter templates you'll ever need? Just copy, paste, and edit with your personal info, and send off the the credit bureaus and creditors. These letters will take you through the full credit dispute process. Never worry about what letter you need to send next and what it should say. These 28 letter templates are proven to stop the frustration of figuring out what to say without wasting time trying to figure it out yourself! Click YES to add this to your order now for just $47! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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